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Pure mind and desire for a cloth

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

The days with Mohanji from 3rd November onwards were incredible. They were full of activities and miracles. I always like to keep a record of everything that happens around Mohanji, so I will do it this time as well.

Can a Mind be so pure

On 6th November 2023 I had an opportunity to sit with Mohanji and touch/hold His feet. It was a couple of us sitting with Him after a meeting. Having such close opportunity with Mohanji is very rare as He is always busy working or meeting people. Moments like this happen only in between His numerous occupations, and a flood of visitors that come to see Him for a variety of reasons. Some people schedule a meeting with Him to see Him out of love, some come for projects that Mohanji may be a part of, some are Mohanji's old friends from the school or University days, some are people who may be seeking His help. All in all, Mohanji meets all and rarely denies anybody if the meeting with that person falls within His practical capacity.

Mohanji was sitting in His chair, working on His phone as we were wrapping up the points from the meeting that had just ended. The people who met Him had just left. It was just a few of us who were staying in the house.

Even though I have touched Mohanji's feet before countless of times, as I do it out of reverence, this time I felt something unusual. A purity started filling me. It was different.

I felt something moving in my head. I felt dizzy. I felt as if some “objects” were leaving my head. When I looked with my inner eye, the eye of Mai-Tri, without closing my eyes I saw a mess around my head. Too many things, like a disorganized, dirty bedroom. But in the form of flying objects. I realized all this mess was inside of my head just a minute ago. I saw it outside of my head, around my head, because it had just left me. It was a strange view. After about one minute, I felt another huge energetical force moving inside of my head. Then this force filled my whole body. I felt nothing but tangible movements. If organs were fogish masses that could move in and out of the body, I would describe my feeling as that.

After about fifteen minutes, I felt as if the Sun had entered me. I cannot think of a better description for that feeling. I felt Sun inside me. It was such a pure feeling. Almost no thoughts. There were thoughts but very pure ones. The mind was so quiet. My mind was earlier full of pessimism even though it was already day 5th in Mohanji's presence. No pessimism anymore. A sentence rang in my mind – “Can a mind be so pure?” It was such a strong question. It engraved its essence in the core of me. “Can a mind be so pure?”

Before sleeping that night, Mohanji bid us goodnight and told me to take one small Shirdi Sai Baba statue from the side table beside His chair. The side table and the chair were on one side of His room. The other, opposite side of His room was occupied by a bed. There were around six Babas sitting there on the side table, and so I took one. I felt so humbled and happy that I live in the time when Mohanji is among us. I carefully took the small Baba and hugged Baba gently. I walked out and we let Mohanji rest for the night. Every time we see Mohanji rest our hearts rejoice because we know how exhausting His schedule is. How many people, how many frequencies, and that too people who don't understand Him. How many empty conversations, how many people who don't see. A handful of people who truly see? Maybe not enough to keep this body alive for long. He told me to keep Baba safe next to me while I sleep. I peacefully drifted into the night.

I woke up the next morning fully rested even though I slept very less. I knew it was connected to my experience of a pure mind from the previous day. Depressive and pessimistic feelings were keeping me very tired those days. That was gone, hence the tiredness was gone too. Baba was safe and intact next to me the whole night on my pillow, even though I had been moving in bed. Milica was also on the other side sleeping next to me, so I didn't have a lot of space. Still, He was just as when I left Him the previous night.

I obrserved, as I woke up, there was no tiredness in me and no craving to stay in bed, which I always felt when I didn't get enough sleep. I got up so easily and lightly. For a couple of months I was feeling strong exhaustion due to a slightly depressive state of mind that got to me due to some circumstances. Suddenly I felt I had the energy to do anything and go anywhere in the world. I felt the whole Sun inside me. So pure, light, bright.

As I moved through the day, I also started feeling a strong, unusual heat in my body. I felt as if each pore of my skin was open, and strong heat, something like boiling water vapor was exiting through my pores. That lasted for one whole day continuously. I felt I was being boiled, quite literally. And water vapor was going outwards through my pores, from head to toe.

After my experience of holding Mohanji's feet I also observed a lot of impatience being swaped with patience. For a few months, I noticed that impatience shaped my behavior in a few situations and I didn’t find a way to fix it. I used to get a feeling like something should always be happening, otherwise I’m restless. Also, if I was in a shop and I asked the employees about a product, if they take a long time to respond, I become very impatient and agitated. The day after this experience, I was in a shop and I immediately noticed that I am not agitated by the slowness of the employees. She took a long time to respond to my question and I stood without agitation. In one moment, I strangely felt the impatience coming very close to me almost like a wave near my stomach (the spot where I feel it), but it just didn’t enter me.

A very unusual occurrence in me was also no body odor. For the whole day I didn't have any body odor such as sweat even though I didn't use anti-perspirant. I forgot to use it. I checked, and I felt no smell on me. This never happens to me especially if I am very active and moving the whole day, which, on that day, I was. I was also wearing thick clothes, many layers, plus cooking and cleaning in a hot environment. I felt a lot of sweat but it had no smell. It was strange and miraculous. I don’t know if you have read it before in my blogs or my book, but I have written that by serving Mohanji for many years, handling His personal belongings like food, clothes, meetings, I have discovered that Mohanji has no body odor at all. His clothes never smell like sweat, even if He uses nothing to stop the smell, even if He walks in the Sun for hours. His feet also never smell. Sometimes we used to give Him the same t-shirt or socks for so many days in a row, that’s because no smell comes from His body. We only used to send His clothes for washing when it got dirty on the outside, such as people hugging Him or dirt coming on it. Apart from having no odor, I also noticed that instead of a body odor, a pleasant fragrance sometimes comes out of His skin. I am not talking about His perfume which many people are familiar with, but below the perfume, there is often a very special fragrance which can be noticed during His casual days when He is not meeting anybody, hence uses no perfume.

The last thing I'd mention as a change from this experience is my mind being more organized. I felt more stable, more like Mohanji. I felt a strong mental foundation and oneness, alignment with my thoughts and ideas. I had a better clarity and I was taking more initiative. Before, I had less will power and less initiative.

“Can a mind be so pure?” The day continued. In my mind I felt the smell of clean, ironed sheets. My whole mind felt like freshly washed and ironed sheets. I was literally feeling that fragrance. When I looked at myself in the mirror, my head looked "ironed". I remembered, for the past few months, something often looked wrinkled at the center of my head. Not physically, but I would get that feeling looking at the mirror. I got so used to it so I didn't think it was even a thing. Now, my head looked totally aligned. Instead of wrinkles that I kept feeling in my head earlier, I saw straight, precise alignment. Like curved, wrinkled horizontal lines became straight again. I even felt my head was wider because of it. As if my eyes were more symmetrical and aligned.

I wrote down in my diary the summary of what happened that day. It was beyond what a mind could grasp. Every atom can change in the presence of somebody like Mohanji. Erased tiredness, erased impatience and pessimism. Unfortunately we skip to see and we miss the bus.

A few days later, I was walking towards my University. I was coming to a realization that for the past couple of months I also had a tendency to unintentionally imagine negative scenarios andI couldn’t stop it. I did it for my exams, work projects, communication in family, and so on. After the day when I held Mohanji's feet, this also reduced to the point where I didn't recognize how much purer my thoughts are. The mind was so much purer and emptier.

Gifting cloth

Now I will share another interesting, and to me very miraculous experience that took place during the same time when Mohanji visited Serbia in November 2023.

For a long time I have had a desire to have a piece of Mohanji’s clothes. I never asked Him because I thought my desire wasn’t important and I didn’t want to waste His clothes unnecessarily. I was wishing without hope. Every now and then, this desire sprouted in me and pierced me. One day, Milica asked me to iron His clothes for that day’s meeting. I touched His clothes and felt the same desire. After His meeting, He immediately asked me to come. He put a piece of His clothes into my hands, saying, “For you.” I couldn’t believe He “heard” my unspoken desire. I was catching my breath and a few tears of happiness slid down my cheeks. There is not even a smallest thought that He doesn’t hear in our minds.

Answering through a song

That day, I was deeply worried that I was going backwards about certain projects. I was feeling like I was taking one step forward and 20 steps backwards. I really needed Mohanji’s guidance and He convinced me, “No, you're not going backwards.” Somehow, that wasn’t enough for me so I continued to worry. We as people sometimes do such silly things and continue to worry even when a master tells us that everything is fine. Mohanji continued to answer the messages on His phone. He then opened an app such as Instagram. I wasn't sure which application it was exactly but I heard songs and reels being played. I could recognize that He was scrolling. He scrolled among many videos and songs and didn't allow any of them to play until the end. Suddenly, He stopped at something. It was a song which said, "Look into yourself. Look into yourself." He didn't stop it. He let it be played fully. This wasn't the first time He was responding to my state through something He was playing or watching on His phone. His “scrolling” on social media or surfing online is never the same as how we do it. Each of His actions is very purposeful. The song was definitely His message to me. If His words didn’t reach me, He probably thought He might as well tell me the same through a song – and it worked! 😂 It really removed my worry.

Relationship solved

One of the days when Mohanji was in Serbia, I spoke to one person more strictly than I should have. Our discussion was about work. The points I presented were about my lack of availability for the tasks he was asking me to complete. The person felt that I insulted him. I felt terribly guilty about it for days. It tortured me. I kept overthinking about it. Mohanji was a part of this project.

Usually, Mohanji doesn't directly get involved in projects, so this was rare. Our next meeting was supposed to happen a few days later, on Tuesday 7th November 2023. I felt impatient and anxious to meet this person again. As Mohanji was a part of the discussion, he knew how I felt. In our path, we don't hold back from fulfilling our duty just because of emotions or misunderstandings, so I knew I had to go through with it regardless of anything. Even though I decided to be objective and handle it practically, I still felt anxious about how the meeting would go. I was ready to give anything to nullify the previous discussion and go back to a peaceful, respectful relationship which we had before.

Days passed. My anxiety didn’t leave me in spite of spending days in Mohanji’s presence. The night before the meeting, when I was anxious the most, Mohanji suddenly decided to spend two hours talking to Subhasree and me. After about 30 minutes I felt my anxiety fading away. Mohanji was talking to us casually, telling us jokes, and we were enjoying ourselves. He was literally doing that to calm my nerves through relaxation and humor. He knew about my situation, so he even cracked a joke about that too. I laughed at His jokes and couldn’t believe He’s actually helping me about something I messed up. From a negative scenario that I had in my head about that meeting, He made it very simple. He told me to stop overthinking and try to support this person as best as I can from now onwards. He doesn’t spend an eternity overthinking and analyzing like we do. He has practical solutions to everything. Another observation I had is that Mohanji had a flood of visitors that day and He was tired. Still, He helped me. In His list of priorities, we are the first, and His comfort is the last. I felt He was also, in a way, telling me to take it easy in life. Not to stress too much. Not to be anxious so much.

After our conversation, 50% of discomfort left me. It was a substantial difference. The next day, upon meeting this person, I felt another reduction in discomfort, and soon, it was totally gone. It was like Mohanji peeled it off layer by layer. It was incredible. This kind of anxiety normally wouldn’t leave me for a week. I never told Mohanji verbally to clean it, but He heard my heart. The person even smiled at me, which was impossible. If Mohanji didn’t do something, it wouldn’t have happened, I guarantee because I know it from experience.

Mohanji literally smoothed our relationship, deleted the bitterness and removed a stone from my chest. This wasn’t the first time He did something like this. He did it for me when I had a stiff relationship with one lady years ago, and I witnessed Him do it for other people too. His main priority is that there is harmony among people. When He sees friction among people, He will often not sit and preach, “You two, have a good relationship”, but He actually, invisibly makes it better. Instead of a teacher, He is a transformer. He takes the responsibility and delivers. When He sees friction among people, He also sometimes makes those people work together on purpose, so that it can be nullified. He says, “If you feel angry about somebody and you never want to see that person again, you should do the opposite and spend time with them. Serve them. So that your energy of anger is channelized into service. That’s the way to overcome it.”

On another note, the point of the meeting was to solve a number of issues connected to the project. Apart from solving our relationship, which was not really a priority, Mohanji solved all the project’s problems too. What about 10 adults couldn’t solve for months, He solved in one hour. It was unbelievable. He was precise, direct, clear, and He did it one by one. Mohanji is a personality born to solve complicated things in no time. He saved the project even though it had been going downhill before it landed in His hands.

The meeting concluded and I realized what had just happened wasn’t normal. I stayed in front of Mohanji in awe. I said with amazement, "You fixed our relationship. And the project." He jokingly said, "I fixed everything." With His huge warm eyes He continued to look at His phone and reply to a hundred of messages. His face shined in a golden color. He reminded me of Krishna who also had a gift to make complicated things uncomplicated and to smoothen relationships even if the worst of anger stood between people.

My conclusion is that, the whole day, Mohanji was fixing me from different angles. Maybe he was doing many more things, but I could catch only what was within my awareness. He exists to make us feel better. He is sincere to those who come to Him with sincerity. It looks like He has a million eyes that keep traveling with us, watching and assisting us.

Thank you for reading!

Under the sun rays



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