My most beautiful moments with Mohanji
Watching a movie with Mohanji Last year, in 2023, while Mohanji was staying in Belgrade, I visited Him at His apartment. I had some tasks...
Watching a movie with Mohanji Last year, in 2023, while Mohanji was staying in Belgrade, I visited Him at His apartment. I had some tasks...
Već sam mnogo puta govorila o Širdi Sai Babi, pa verovatno znate ko je on. Za one koji ne znaju, bio je moćan duhovni učitelj koji je...
I've already spoken about Shirdi Sai Baba many times before, so you must know who he is. For anybody who doesn't, he's a powerful...
This story is an excerpt from my book called "As I knew Him", where I share my transformative experiences with Mohanji. Our last stop...
A través de mi trabajo con Mai-Tri, me he encontrado con numerosos casos en los que tanto hombres como mujeres toman el sexo como algo...
Zdravo svima! Neki od vas znaju da je moj nedavni put u Indiju proistekao zbog zdravstvenog problema. Zvanična medicina mi nije pružila...
Hi everyone! Some of you know that my recent trip to India came about due to a health problem. Conventional medicine hadn’t provided the...
Through my work with Mai-Tri, I’ve encountered numerous cases where both men and women take sex casually, despite its deeper...
Od trenutka kada sam ušla u Australiju, Mohanđi se na svoje nevidljive načine iz daljine pobrinuo da se sve naše želje ispune.
In my youth, like many others, I used to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. When I met Mohanji, I lost the desire to do so and felt much...
From the moment I entered Australia, Mohanji, in his own invisible ways, remotely made sure that all our desires were fulfilled.
A year ago, during Mohanji's visit to Serbia, he inquired about my sentiments towards whales. He asked whether I still felt the profound...
The days with Mohanji from 3rd November onwards were incredible. They were full of activities and miracles. I always like to keep a...
David became inclined towards spirituality, met Sathya Sai Baba and started respecting him.
The speed around Mohanji Three days ago, 24th October 2023, was, as per the vedic calendar, an important day when the great saint Shirdi...
Recently, I have had a chance to discover about what I believe is one of Mohanji’s past lives. I do not claim it is true. I did not know,...
Dit is een vertaald deel uit een wondermooi blog van Mina Obradovic dat over Swami Gopal Baba, de Goddelijke Moeder gaat. Het hele blog...
Hello, dear friends. I hope everyone is having a good beginning of 2023. Today I’ll talk about being in a master’s presence and using...
Sé que muchas personas no creerán mis palabras en este blog, pero seguiré compartiendolo porque siento que puede inspirar a uno o dos, y...
1. Introduction In today's world, there are people manipulating people. What I discovered through long and varied Mai-Tri career is that...