This story is an excerpt from my book called "As I knew Him", where I share my transformative experiences with Mohanji.
Our last stop before my first trip to India was Skopje, Macedonia. The plan was to continue to India with Mohanji and continue to attend to him. His personal team manages his personal matters like travel, room, clothes, medicine, food, meetings, guests etc. In Macedonia, we stayed in a lady's apartment who agreed to host us. Mohanji, Devi and Mila stayed on the ground floor. Barbara, Alexa and I were on the first floor. For almost the whole day every day, the apartment was full of people.
Family moments
As instructed by Mohanji, Barbara and I ensured everybody was warmly welcomed and given food. Mohanji's top priority was that everybody was comfortable. He didn't like anybody being hungry. He believes that anybody coming to our house, whoever it is, should be considered God visiting us. They should be given food and drink and treated with respect.
If we asked the visitors whether they'd like to eat, he would tell us, "Some people are shy. They'll not say they are hungry. Serve food on the table without asking. Don't pour food into their plate because if they waste what you poured, the karma of the wasted food comes to you. Never waste food. Serve on the table and allow them to take as much as they want." We had more casual discussions with Mohanji, where we would gather and sit around him. He spoke about many things and joked a lot.
Time with Mohanji empowered us and made us kinder, more caring and more loving. We could judge less, love more, delay less and be proactive more.
Mohanji has always treated me with kindness. Around the trip to Skopje, he sometimes called me "universal mother". It was unusual, and it made me smile. I understood he was nurturing this as my higher potential. When I asked him why he called me that, he said he was a mirror to everybody. He reflects what the person is or what the higher potential of that person could be.
Mohanji's army
I first learned about Mohanji's invisible army that follows and supports him from someone who experienced them first-hand. The couple and their children were at a program with Mohanji, and there was nobody to look after the children. Since it was night and they needed to go out, Mohanji told them to leave the kids in their beds to sleep. He said he would send “his people” to protect the children.
He was referring to an invisible army of masters who support and travel with Mohanji. When the parents came back, the children were safe. They were still sleeping. The bathroom of their room looked freshly used; there was water and soap in the shower. The children confirmed they didn't use it, as they were sleeping all along, and their room was locked.
The parents knew it was something else. When they asked Mohanji, he confirmed it must have been his army. Sometimes they leave a sign to confirm they were there. Mohanji lovingly calls them “my people”. Mohanji respects them as Gods.
In Macedonia, I had my first experience with them. I wanted to massage Mohanji's feet for a very long time, and he finally allowed it. Since there was no time to do it during the day, he said I could do it when he slept. He went to sleep early that day because of much work and the flood of visitors who had come. Devi, Barbara and Alexa were in the living room ahead of me. They were talking and working on their laptops. I left the door open. Mohanji was never bothered by noise in his sleep.
I started pressing one of Mohanji's feet. I could hear by the sound of Mohanji's breathing that he was already asleep. I had assumed he already left the body, which he usually does in his sleep. Suddenly, I felt fear; it was increasing. This type of fear appears to me only when entities (certain negative invisible energy beings) are present.
Entities carry a low vibration which is sometimes felt as fear in humans. I knew there couldn't be entities in Mohanji's presence (his energy is too powerful for them to survive in it), but on the other hand, I was sure what this type of fear signifies because I experienced it many times. I continued pressing Mohanji's foot. Then, with my peripheral vision, I saw somebody standing on my right.
I quickly turned to my right and saw a figure of a human baby which was floating in the air. It was creepy and frightening. I firmly decided that this was my imagination and I continued.
Near Mohanji's bed in the room, there was a small window. It was on my left, and there was a curtain on it. I glanced at it and saw a shadow behind the curtain. It was very clear and, this time, I was sure it wasn't my imagination. I thought, "Relax, it's just a tree." I looked at it many times within the span of a few minutes. Every time I looked, the silhouette was there. This was poking me to get up and check what it was exactly.
I couldn't help but go and see what was behind the curtain. When I moved it, there was nothing. That side of the building didn't have any trees nearby. It was an open space.
I put the curtain back on and quickly moved away. I saw that the silhouette was completely gone from the curtain. When I understood that, I ran out of the room and went to sleep.
The next morning, Mohanji asked me if he had fallen asleep fast. I said he did, and I told him what happened next. He laughed. :-D
When Mohanji falls asleep, he leaves his body in order to work in other dimensions. This happens very often and his body often shows signs of that. For example, his body becomes very soft, so to say “soulless”, and his bones sometimes behave like rubber. One time, years ago, I remember pressing his calf muscle while he was asleep. The imprint of my finger remained—it didn’t bounce back as normal. The skin and muscle stayed indented, leaving a hollow. Many times, when he was out of his body, people testified that they saw him at different places.
Whenever Mohanji leaves his body, the army of his people usually guards it until he comes back. They consider leaving the body empty without supervision dangerous, so Mohanji allows them to protect it at night. They don't allow anybody to be near Mohanji when he is outside of his body, especially people who carry entities inside of them.
They take all preventive measures to ensure Mohanji's safety. When I came, his people were worried about leaving his body to somebody unknown. That is why they used what scares me, in order to drive me away. Symbol of a baby truly used to be the scariest for me, generally. Mohanji knew me, of course, but they didn't. Even if some people may be familiar, this set of invisible beings take a long time to assess them. They aren't used to trusting people because some have betrayed Mohanji in the past.
Leaving the body open is dangerous because the lost beings from the atmosphere can enter it and settle in it. The soul can stay stuck in the astral world and may not be able to come back to the body. Even if they do, the person will not be the same again because the body will already be occupied by beings who will want to run the show.
I don't count Mohanji in this category because he is already one with the universe. He doesn't need any protection from anybody. I share this example as my learning for general astral travel.
Home alone
We spent a few days in Skopje, during which Mohanji conducted one public Satsang and met some people. That year, 2017, the retreat was scheduled at Lake Ohrid. It was three hours away from Skopje. I planned to stay in the apartment in Skopje and wait for their return from Ohrid.
This was the first time ever that I spent two nights alone in any place, regardess of my huge fear of darkness and invisible beings. It was proof that Mohanji had seriously started melting my fear away. The encounter with the army was perhaps another way Mohanji was plucking out my fear. Staying alone was a bigger surprise because it wasn't even in my home country.
Encounter with an entity
They left; I felt pretty stable and calm and started working.
At one moment, I saw something like an entity on my right. I thought I was wrong or that, this time, it could be one of “Mohanji's people” again. I felt a little fear, but I had a lot of work, so I decided to quickly communicate to this being (without knowing who it was), "You stay there; I stay here. You don't touch me; I won't touch you. Mohanji is with me." I literally felt like a human was standing next to me, it was even visible all along as a shadow. I was sure it was Mohanji's army, so I wasn't afraid.
When Mohanji, Devi, Mila and Barbara returned, we exchanged stories. Mohanji asked me about my experience.
I told him about the experience I had with the unknown being, asking who is was, and expecting that he would say it's one of his people. He laughed with joy. He confirmed this was not any of his people, but an entity. I asked how an entity could come there! He explained that the entity didn't come, he was actually there even before we arrived. He got stuck in the apartment because the people who previously stayed in it threw parties and consumed a lot of meat and alcohol. When Mohanji was in the apartment, it moved away temporarily, but when Mohanji left, it came back. It was basically his home in which we were the visitors. The entity considered the apartment as his.
I was so shocked. If I had known it was an entity, I would have been much more afraid. Today, on the 1st day of 2025, and for many years before, I haven't felt the same fear of these beings anymore because of so much experience with them in Mai-Tri. When you come accross the same kind of subject so many times, it loses value, it loses it's initial shock. They are pieces of sand to me know, in comparison to the huge sunlight that Mohanji represents. I saw Mohanji many times in Mai-Tri removing these beings, just as a million of Suns swallowing bits of sand, hence I know how powerful he is compared to them.
From that day, Mohanji randomly told many people how I confronted the entity with a cool head. Through laughter, he would suddenly ask them, “Did you know that Mina spoke to an entity? (Showing at me) She said you leave me, I leave you.” and then he would smile so lovingly.
I believe he gave me this whole experience to learn how to stay cool in adverse situations. And to realize that by only believing they were Mohanji's army, how calm I was.
Mai-Tri by Devi
It was our last night in Macedonia. I wasn't feeling well, so Devi (Mohanji's wife, originally from Novi Sad, Serbia) did a Mai-Tri session for me. My trip to India was a few days away. Through Mai-Tri, Devi saw that in one of my past lives, I was kidnapped, tortured and raped in India. She warned me that the memory of it may get activated during my visit, since it was my first time to this country. She said if it happens, I should remain stable and objective. I should know this is not the reality. Instead, it's a memory from the past.
The second thing she saw is that, as per my original karma, I had two outcomes in this life – meet Mohanji and evolve spiritually or sink into depression. She saw that if I hadn't met Mohanji, depression would have followed me until death. I told her that's exactly how I felt it. The depression had already started before meeting Mohanji. When I met Mohanji, he stopped it and put it on hold.
The day of the return to Serbia
Mohanji, Devi and Mila were supposed to fly from Skopje (Macedonia) to Belgrade. Alexa had already left. I was about to get a car. I was supposed to spend a few days in Belgrade, until our trip to India.
I hugged Mohanji goodbye. I was going through some difficulty at that time. I knew everything would be okay, but I wished for a confirmation. He said, "I've protected you, especially because you told Babaji that your only wish is to be with me." He couldn't have known this! Without telling Mohanji any of my expeirences with Babaji, Mohanji knew everything that Babaji had told me.
This story is an excerpt from my book called "As I knew Him", where I share my transformative experiences with Mohanji. You can read more by purchasing my book by contacting me on minaobradovic6@gmail.com or sending an email to serbia@mohanji.org. You can pick up your book from Belgrade or Obrenovac (Mohanji Peace Center Serbia - you can find it on Google Maps), or it can be sent to you.
What's the book about?
I wrote down the first sentences of this book while traveling with Mohanji through India and the Balkans—in cars, airplanes, and various accommodations. At the time, I never imagined it would evolve into a book. Initially, I wrote down my observations and understandings for my own memory—as my personal understandings on his style, his life, the miracles and his power that I witnessed—because they seemed extraordinary to me.
I was deeply fascinated by Mohanji, both as a personality and as a presence. His style captivated my attention as someone utterly fearless yet profoundly selfless. He demonstrated that while he needed nothing from the world, he gave everything to it. Over time, the miracles I observed from him became countless, and it felt only natural that these experiences should become a book.
The first few chapters are past life stories and my experience with the past life regression therapy. Later, I share about my profound connections with Mahavatar Babaji and Jesus. Then I go into my time with Mohanji which covers many years in his presence, and descriptions of his miracles. At the end of the book I explore additional topics like "challenges at home", and conclude with my most transformative experience ever: an astral journey across galaxies orchestrated by Mohanji. This remarkable event, which occurred as I touched his feet, was the culmination of my six-year-long prayers to witness Mohanji’s true form.
I hope you'll enjoy it! If yes, please do let me know!