1. Introduction
In today's world, there are people manipulating people. What I discovered through long and varied Mai-Tri career is that invisible beings manipulate people more frequently. We call these beings entities or spirits. They can have various origins and reasons for attaching themselves to people.
When people manipulate people, it's a little easier to recognize it and address it. When entities, who do not have a visible body manipulate minds, it is almost impossible to recognize it.
Sometimes I refrain from talking about these topics because they may frighten people, but in my experience, the cost of not knowing may be higher.
To make one thing clear, entities are nothing but people without bodies. They are not scarier than regular people. They have their weaknesses, desires, inclinations and tendencies. They are usually too weak to have a body so they decide to fulfill their desires through somebody else’s body. They get attached to people when people leave space which is suitable for their survival. Space suitable for their survival is a space of lower frequency that they can easily get attached to – usually emotions, anger, indulging in alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, consuming meat. All these don’t necessarily bring entities, but they may, and such a lifestyle helps their survival. Close contact with somebody whose contamination level is higher, may also result in energy exchange. Entities can also be inherited.
I had a few experiences with entities during my Mai-Tri practice, with other people, as well as experiences of my own.
2. My experience
I had already joined Mohanji’s personal team when a Mai-Tri practitioner discovered an entity which had been attached to me since I was 12. I inherited it from my grandmother who died when I was 12.
The entity called himself Gibril, but I don't know his real name. Entities often camouflage themselves as good angels to win respect and entry.
Through Mai-Tri which works with Mohanji’s energy and allows the practitioner to “see the unseen”, we understood his side. The entity strongly believed he belonged in my family because he had been in our lineage since the time of wars. His intention was to stay with me always.
In the Balkan region, during wars, there were many young boys who were obligated to fight for the country, during the times of crisis. Serbian mothers used to practice certain rituals to attract protection for them. They would invite "somebody", an energy being, to travel with them to the war and protect them. Unfortunately that somebody wasn’t always as positive. That is how a number of beings stayed in many Balkan families, and they were inherited through generations. I found out about this through a few sources some years ago, and my experience with Mai-Tri clients confirmed its validity. Such beings usually get used to the family so much that they don’t want to leave.
For years, until 2017, the entity gave me unexplained fears, phobias and negative thoughts. I often felt that some fears and thoughts were not mine. He was attached to my lower back which is where I had been experiencing severe pain when I tried to sit with my spine erect for more than a few minutes. After he left me, the pain was gone. There was no medical justification for my pain.
In my teenage days, it was difficult to live without fear or have a relationship. The entity was hiding behind the pretext of being my protector. He communicated to the practitioner who had done my Mai-Tri session. He said he was protecting all the generations before me, and that this was his job, to guard me. He said I was too young for this world and that his protection is required.
In that time, potentially good relationships were strangely stopped — I either said something that I didn’t mean, or I behaved in such a way to drive people away, even family and friends. The entity confessed to the Mai-Tri practitioner that he distanced people from me because, in his opinion, I wasn’t supposed to have any close connections. He believed it was a sin.
Those days, my relationship with my parents was also fragile. I couldn’t express my love, or why I didn’t feel alright. I felt my throat as fully blocked. From outside, my life was normal.
Driven by the fear of God's punishment, the entity decided to keep me limited. His presence gave me guilt too. Finally, the practitioner said, “I am bringing Mohanji now.” The entity changed his behavior immediately and begged to keep Mohanji away. He argued and stayed for long, and was angry when it heard that the practitioner wants to seek the help of Mohanji.
3. How he left
During the session I saw Gibril’s body as a silhouette. Bald, tall, skinny, older, bent back. He was frightened of Mohanji. He said, "Mohanji is not from our tradition and why are you bringing a stranger? What has he got to do with us?" He said Mohanji is not a part of this family, while, in his opinion, he was.
I began connecting to Mohanji more. My strong decision was that I am firmly with Mohanji. I didn’t accept anything with me except Him. In His energy, it became impossible for Gibril to stay. He stated that Mohanji was too powerful for him, and that he couldn’t handle it. He called Mohanji the son of God and said that he cannot fight Him. The Mai-Tri practitioner heard that he said to Mohanji, “If I fight you, I have no chance.” It took a long time. Finally, I saw Gibril’s silhouette moving away and leaving.
It's a mistake to confuse entities for something good, no matter how well they present themselves. Every sympathy opens doors for them to enter. It engraves their influence deeper in the person, and it becomes very hard to come out of of it. It is almost like trying to leave the claws of a predator.
During my experience, in one moment, I fell for this sympathy and I thought, “Okay, he was only protecting me, he didn't want me to be harmed.” We knew he was my departed ancestor, which increased my sympathy. I also felt that he may need our help to raise in awareness. This attempt to help an entity is like trying to teach a tiger that it shouldn't eat its prey. Instead of listening, the tiger will eat us. A reasonable person with awareness should have nothing to do with the beings whose only orientation is capturing and manipulating. Thinking we can help everybody on our way is foolish and it may take a lot to get back to our initial stability.
I share this because many people sympathize with beings or people that we simply cannot help. Not everything and everybody is worth our time. It is simple — the intruders who came to rob our house — are we going to invite them to stay with us or are we going to throw them out?
Some people who know that they have entities still choose to live like this. There have been people full of entities who came to meet Mohanji. He was ready to take them all away, as He always is, but people wouldn’t always allow. Just because something feels familiar, we flow with stuff, and the cost is terrible. For receptive people, Mohanji has removed plenty of garbage with just a glance or a hug, and He still does.
In the midst of my foolish sympathy, until I explicitly confirmed I wanted the entity to leave, Mohanji couldn’t do anything. I firmly clarified my decision, stating that I want nobody but Mohanji with me. Jesus said, “Knock and the door will be open.” Masters from the path of liberation never act against the person’s free will. On the contrary, entities do.
4. The difference between entities and masters
All beings have a frequency. Beings of low frequency like this always use the available body for their own selfish purpose. Their aim is to fulfill their own desires and express their personality. For the entity, it's selfish fulfillment. For the host, the baggage is huge and life is affected.
Masters of the path of liberation never ask anything from people, they only give. Complete selflessness and zero expectation is their nature. Entities always come to people for selfish interest and they suck out people's energy in the process.
Masters want to liberate people from bindings like compelling patterns, fears, phobias, harmful habits etc. Entities have no problem to add more fears, phobias, patterns into the person, because that allows them to stay longer.
Masters never act without the free will of the person. Entities manipulate, capture, torture, without asking.
Masters never bind anyone with fear and guilt. Entities make you feel less, put fear and guilt into you.
Masters make you feel stronger, make you understand you are self-sufficient and that everything you are looking for is already inside.
Masters have no personal desires. Entities are predators who only want what's a gain for them.
Masters are always benevolent and always accept their children with love, no matter what the children do, even when children betray them and turn their backs on them. Masters have no resentment too. They stay with the person forever, to support, lift up and they work hard for their wellbeing. Entities use people until they need them no more, and they move on to the next target. Sometimes entities stay in one person for a lifetime.
5. Their nature
Beings of very low frequency cannot survive in the energy of an enlightened master. People who are controlled by entities sometimes never reach Mohanji, because they wouldn't allow them. Entities prevent them in all ways, by fears, doubts, excuses.
Just like Gibril, entities of low energy are usually souls who were once incarnated on Earth, but not necessarily. Because of their past bad actions which drained them, such as betrayals, character assassinating people, manipulating people, they don’t have sufficient power to take a new birth. Their aim is to find the first available body to fulfill the desires that they couldn't fulfill while they were alive.
If they have a desire for alcohol, they will enter a body through which they can experience that. The person must have at least some similar ingredient, for example, minimal desire for alcohol. In this way, entities use the person’s weakness to enter, and when they are in, they overemphasize that weakness. If a weakness was very small, it doubles or triples with the presence of entities.
The more entities are inside, the more everything gets mixed up. Then, you wouldn’t be able to say who speaks through the person. Just like many people living in one house. When they all yell at once, you can only hear the noise, but you can't say exactly who is who. Desires also get mixed up, as well as inclinations, tendencies, fears, anxieties. It becomes a mess which takes a long time to heal.
6. How else entities can come
As I understood through Mai-Tri experience, entities can also get attached to excessive desires or cravings. When you crave, they start feeding on it. Imagine, we need a house. We are looking for a house, we are craving for a house, and these beings who also have similar nature, they start feeding on it. So, increased craving can result in a situation where we are desperate. Craving that's coming from us may not be desperation, but entities make it a desperation. Like that, unsupervised things in us, especially violence on any level, can be transformed into something very compelling and sometimes very bothering. That's why overindulgence or non-awareness is never recommended.
Let’s say somebody offers us the whole world. They say we can possess the whole world, and on the opposite side is getting God, and we choose God – many people won’t understand such decisions, because we are only talking about everything tangible. We are stuck with this tangible stuff.
Most of us are chasing something tangible, like a land, money, property, relationship – tangible. In the path of spirituality, we are talking about something intangible where we don’t know whether this is exactly something we are looking for. And despite that, if somebody dares to connect to something which is intangible, with a clear conviction, that this is their final truth, the most permanent thing, it becomes their strength. But on the other side, when we are chasing something, a position, a possession, a relation – there is always an attachment. An attachment is also a responsibility. Meaning, a master cannot take care of us if we own our things. Responsibility is a burden. Like this, it’s a circle. That’s another way such beings can manipulate us.
7. Doubting vs. questioning
Sacred scriptures say that doubt is a key that the devil uses to enter the mind, and once it enters, it uses it as its vehicle.
This means, doubts are doubts in oneself, the path, the guide, practice, tradition. Doubt in oneself is equal to doubting the guide, the guru. If doubting the guru happens, it leads to separation in connection, which opens doors for beings to enter.
The tradition that Mohanji belongs to always encourages questions. This means, take time, assimilate, understand, and connect to a master with awareness. Not because somebody else is following him/her, or because it is a trend, or because we like the master's fragrance. If we have taken time, understood, experienced, known, it means we are sure. But if after a long time we start doubting, and we flow with these doubts, nullifying our integrity, it’s stupidity.
Religions are made by men, and I feel they say not to question because they don't have all the answers. Accomplished masters have the answers and they encourage questions. Bottom line - is not about questioning or not, it is the combination of the two. Ask, but once you are certain, don't doubt. The nature of the mind is to doubt. If we always flow with the mind's games, we will not reach anywhere.
As a conclusion, I would like to note that not all cases are entity cases. In Mai-Tri, not all people I have met have entities. It is frequent especially in the Balkans, but it's not always the case, despite that our fear, prejudice or illusion may project such an image on somebody. It is very difficult to recognize the presence of entities because they almost merge with the person. Even when we look through the eyes of Mai-Tri, sometimes it can be very difficult to say for sure.
For me, liberating from this entity was a big turning point in my life. From then, many things have changed. It was like coming out of claws. Many blockages and limits were left behind.
Again, entities are not something scary as they present them in modern films to attract the audience. In my opinion, they exist, but they are way smaller and have zero power compared to masters like Mohanji. They are smaller than a piece of sand in front of somebody who has become the Universe. They have no power at all.
In His life, Mohanji cleanses all people who come to Him from many things, and leaves them independent. Sometimes they maintain the purity and use it to make the world a better place, and sometimes they put back the garbage that was removed back inside. Mohanji smiles to all such outcomes because He does everything with zero expectation.
Thank you for reading. Best regards
#Mohanji #guru #livingwithaguru #entities #souls #spirits #maitrimethod #energycleansingmethod #spiritualblog #spirituality #experiencewithmohanji #spiritualmaster #spiritualguide
Picture sources
First cover image: aleteia.org
Green background photo: earlytorise.com
Grey photo manipulation: stockvault.net
Forest photo: mybestplace.com
Back pain photo: impactphysicaltherapy.com
Healing hands photo: timesofindia.com
Messy mind photo: freepik.com
Out of body photo: sundayguardianlive.com
Jesus photo: cbcpnews.net
Krishna photo: krishna.org
Alcoholic picture: nbcnews.com
Chasing money photo: vectorstock.com
Religion & spirituality photo: narendrakishoremishra.com
Glowing hand photo: hms.harvard.edu
Hvala Mina na osvetljavanju ove teme i na inspiraciji da se još više trudim a svom putu 🤗
Thank you for writing this blog, dear Mina. It helps to throw light on a topic that is not often discussed openly and about which there are many misunderstandings.
Thank you for sharing this experience, Mina 🙏 it is good to know about entities and to be aware of how they operate ❤ your openness and courage to share is truly inspirational ❤
Dear Mina, thank you for sharing this, it really takes courage to share it openly :)
Very interesting blog and enlightening blog. Definitely, people must know that the seemingly uncontrollable desires , addictions and passions need not be necessarily their own and can be conquered with Maitri Healing!!