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Fear of Vaccines, Social Platforms Keeping Our Private Information & Guru's Relevance In All That

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Dear friends, in this blog, I'd like to humbly address a few points which I feel are important for this time.

Disclaimer: I am not making any claims, and this is solely my opinion and experience. It is up to you to take it or leave it.

Regarding the recent update WhatsApp has shared on their new privacy policy, which has recently been spoken about, I'd like to share a few points from my experience.

If you don't know what the new policy is about, it can easily be found anywhere online, probably by the name "WhatsApp new privacy policy 2021". Ever since this came out, and as far as I know, some not so new questions and doubts re-arose, such as - do these companies know everything about us, what do they need these information for, why are they keeping our private information even after we delete our accounts on their platforms? Etc. etc.

I feel platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook already know plenty of things about us, which they don't say openly, and I feel the drama that keep occurring about somebody disturbing our privacy or not, is just to create fear in people, confusion and a feeling - "Oh, we are being watched, controlled and who knows what else..." And we know what fear versus fearlessness does to us.

After years of many experiences with my spiritual master Mohanji, from watching Him remove people's fears in one go, handling their karmic burdens such as insecurities and anxiety with only a glance, I've seen Him doing many other things He's not even displaying that often.

Briefly... During one occasion of being one of Mohanji's personal attendants, I stayed in Novi Sad (Serbia) with Him and a group of people, along with Devi (Mohanji's wife) and Mila (Mohanji's daughter). At the time, I was dealing with some fears and anxieties that originated from the past. Being in the presence of Mohanji and many people close to me, and also travelling together, was such a regenerative experience. I didn't want it to end.

Since I was slightly emotionally vulnerable, I was thinking about the fact that Mohanji would soon continue with His travels to India, and I realized that the only thing that could help me handle the anxiety when He leaves, were the audio recordings of Mohanji's speech. I used to take these literally whenever Mohanji would talk, whether it was work, or spirituality-related. His simple but profound topics which He conveyed so casually during His breakfast, in between His meetings etc., meant a lot to me. He never spoke like a guru or a spiritual master to anybody. His style was always simplicity and humility, behaving like a friend to many. Despite His humbleness, His words had the power to move mountains. They were not just words. This could be seen and experienced only by those who watched Him closely.

I heard that one time, one person asked Mohanji about many problems he/she was facing. Mohanji told everything in one go, which later came true. Mohanji solved this person's problems without even getting involved. Relationships between this person and his/her family members became better, some long-existing physicals pains were gone, and a few other things that this person was praying for were fulfilled. The third person, who was a witness to all this, in the end asked Mohanji, "Why do you say such important things in such a casual way to people? They don't understand your knowledge doesn't come from books. They don't understand you talk only truth, and that you can see through them as if they were transparent. You know what you're talking about. You were right about everything, and you have even predicted this person's future. You told him/her what to pay more attention to. Why don't you emphasize on your words more, make it a bigger deal? Otherwise, people don't realize that you are not just sitting and telling whatever comes to your mind, instead you are telling what they need to know, from the highest of truth." Mohanji explained that He is not here to display spiritual powers, and that those who have eyes to see will see, and also benefit from His existence. He said He didn't care about His or anybody else's spiritual powers, if they don't serve for elevating in awareness. Showing off has no relevance in the Tradition of Liberation (tradition of great masters who have time and again guided people to liberation of all earthly bindings).

Lineage of masters from the Tradition of Liberation

Getting back to the story - in all the recordings of Mohanji's speeches I took, He would say exactly what I needed to hear, every time. So, all those audio recordings were safe in my phone. At least I thought so.

Many public programs with Mohanji were happening, many people coming and going, and I used to record every bit of His wisdom whenever I got a chance. I think there were about 30 recordings in total. I kept counting on those recordings to keep me inspired and energized, for the time after Mohanji leaves.

There were many things captured there; topics like handling anxiety, realizing the God within, inspiring stories about great masters who left a big positive mark in the world, focusing on one's purpose instead of people's opinions etc. And everything was said in such a simple way, like He usually does.

Apart from Mohanji, Devi, Mila, Barbara (Mohanji's personal attendant as well) and me in Novi Sad, there were Devi's parents there too (the owners of the house), and some more people who knew Mohanji for years and loved Him a lot.

Mohanji, Barbara, Devi and Mila were supposed to leave for a public program in the neighboring country - Macedonia, and since I was not going, I was supposed to go back to Belgrade until they come back, and then join them again in Novi Sad, after Macedonia.

So, they started their journey, I went to Belgrade, and on my way to there, sitting in the taxi, I realized ALL the recordings of Mohanji's speeches I took were suddenly deleted from my phone. Every single one of them. All the recordings I took before the day Mohanji arrived, and a few of the recordings I took after they left Novi Sad that day, were still in my phone. Only those of Mohanji talking were not there. It looked like as if somebody deleted only the recordings of Mohanji's speech, and left everything else intact.

To be clear, nobody even touched my phone, or even had its password, and it's impossible to delete the audio recordings so easily, especially because that was an old iOS version where you had to click twice to confirm the removal. It was simply impossible.

Since I was still fragile with the anxiety I was feeling, I began to panic in no time and started asking Mohanji in my mind, "WHY? WHY? WHY? Please bring them back! Is this a lesson? Did you delete them so I can be independent from everything, even the recordings? Are you detaching me from my expectations of having something I want?" I kept closing and re-opening the audio-record application to make sure it was not an error with the phone. I even re-started my phone a couple of times, but nothing. No recordings.

To clarify why I thought Mohanji was detaching me from my expectations - those who connect to Mohanji or have spent time with Him, pray to Him or consider Him their guru, know very well how He works and that He often does things that may seem impossible to our mind, just to break our comfort zones, remove some stagnating factors like fears, expectations etc., to make us free or empower us to be self-sufficient.

I spent those two days in Belgrade with a big question mark in my mind. I was literally so sad, and when they finally came back from Macedonia and I went to Novi Sad, I told Mohanji about it, and asked Him all the questions I initially had in my mind, during the taxi ride. I asked if this was the work of Him and the masters from our Tradition, and if they wanted to crush my expectations and attachments. He was sitting in His chair, looking at His phone and typing something. He was totally present and aware of the conversation with me, despite of working on His phone. With a calm and confident voice, He just said, "Nooo."

I asked in a surprised tone, "Really? How come they are deleted then? Who deleted them?" He explained something which I will not share today (I will do it soon though, in another blog, as it's a longer story that needs more explanation). He said He and the masters would never do such a thing, because they knew how much the recordings meant to me. I felt happy and smiled.

We knew what was the cause, but the audios were still gone. With all the miracles I experienced with Mohanji before, I silently expected Him to bring the recordings back to my phone. I waited, but He didn't say anything else. I didn't want to say anything because I was sure He was already taking care of it. He always acts as per the need, and I thought, "If I am supposed to have them back, He will make it happen. If not, it's for the best."

Later that day, Mohanji was still in His room. The door of His room, kitchen, dining room were all open. Whenever somebody would say something, it would be audible on the entire floor. I was walking up and down the hallway, ironing and packing Mohanji's clothes for His next travels. As He was typing something on His phone, I heard His voice from the room asking me, "Are the recordings back?" My eyes sparkled happily and I said, "No, but let me check again!" I thought He already did something to bring them back. I checked and the situation was the same. I said, "No, Mohanji, still nothing." He said, "Fine." I asked, "Is there anything I can do?" He said, "No. If you really want them, they may come back."

I started thinking about what He said, and I didn't lose my faith. After a few hours, I was again passing by Mohanji's room. "Are they back now?", He said. I told Him - still nothing. He didn't say anything till the rest of that day.

Many days passed by and He kept asking the same a couple of more times, with gaps of time in between. After the last time I said I still didn't have them, on my surprise, He just said, "Give me the phone." I handed it to Him.

At the time, Mohanji was using an android, and I was using an iPhone. He began to open and close all the apps in my phone. I sat next to Him and watched. When He intended to exit the apps, He would click on the space next to the home button, which is usually a "back" button on android phones. I said, "No, on iPhone, you have to click here in order to go back." and I showed Him the space on the screen. He did that, but soon enough, He tried clicking again on the space next to the home button. I told Him again that this is not how the iPhone works. I was under the illusion that He doesn't already know this. It was so funny. I was totally in an explaining-something-to-Mohanji mode, ha-ha. He said, "What a stupid phone."

He kept opening every app on my phone. He opened the music app, and I said, "No, it can't be there." He opened Gmail, WhatsApp, Facebook, Notes, kept each of them open for literally 1 second, and immediately closed them. I was convinced He was looking for the audios the way I would look for them, without realizing what He was actually doing. So, I kept talking to Him like He was equal to a regular human being.

He was doing everything so quickly, and in the end, He just said, "Here." and gave me the phone. Thinking that nothing happened, I put the phone in my pocket. He took His phone and continued with His work. It was a few minutes later when He asked me the very last time, "Are the audios back?" I opened to check, and all the recordings were back.

This was shocking, but not new, because I have seen Mohanji deleting messages when He's not even holding the phone in His hands, bringing the permanently deleted things back, and even deleting memories from people's minds when they are not necessary for them and only represent a burden and a stagnating factor in somebody's mind. He can do anything and everything. When I think about my life, I have no doubt that He is always taking care, like He has been for all these years. I am still giving my best, but I know He is always right there to support me and hold me not to fall, in regards to any field of my life. I experience His miracles on a daily basis, even though I do not get a chance to always share them.

Mohanji fulfilled my desire once again, He brought the recordings back, and He didn't even say a word. While He was opening and closing the apps on my phone, He knew exactly what He was doing, despite of the fact that I thought He was just holding the phone. He didn't even bother to tell me He was not just holding the phone. And with Him, it is always like that. He never says anything, He just listens and delivers. Only in my life, it happened at least thousands of times.

It is exactly because of His great humbleness that I sometimes forget how powerful He is, and how rare it is for me to have known Him in this life.

Those who know Mohanji know that He does nothing to impress anybody. In reality, many people have expectations that gurus like Mohanji should not have wife, children, ride a bike, wear a bandana, wear t-shirts and jeans, engage in sports, be a part of the musical band and enjoy life, but He still does all that. He loves life and He lets it show. :)

He does everything looking at the larger picture, higher purpose - what is it that people need for progressing and growing, and He delivers accordingly. He doesn't look at what will people like. He is interested in what people need. There's a huge difference here, and the difference is often not understood by the people who look at Mohanji superficially. This is why some people also don't like Mohanji.

Even if the whole world hates Him, I can guarantee He will never sit and try to be liked or appreciated, let alone feed our mind with what we want (if that's not in tune with His principles, of course). Instead, He will kick the unnecessary things out of the mind. At the same time, He acts with utmost love and compassion in the society. He often compromises His own rest, food, comfort, just for other people. I have witnesses this first-hand. It is almost every day that He sits and listens to all sorts of people. He has often rejected the advices of doctors who sometimes advised Him not to travel, but He persisted because some programs were already scheduled, and people were hoping to see Him. He would just say, "I promised. I am going. I never let go of the hands of people who love me, despite my condition."

Even if sometimes He really could not fulfill desires or expectations of those who really love Him, He always gave His best to compensate in some other way.

He also doesn't perform what we call miracles for all people. For e.g., those who only came to test and taste, usually received nothing, at least from what I could see while spending time in His physical proximity. People who were predominantly selfish, couldn't receive much from Mohanji, even though He is always ready to give in His best capacity. Those who come for Mohanji to improve their love affairs, their children's grades, and for Him to help their children get married, usually went back home "empty-handed".

I witnesses a similar situation with a lady who asked Mohanji silly things, after which Mohanji said, "I will give something to all people, as much as they can receive, but how can I give to those who have not even one thought of doing something for the world? What is my use of empowering such people? They will give nothing to others. It's not how it works. I didn't take this body and life for that. I am very fond of empowering those who will continue to give to others. Then I know I did something valuable. I will give everything for such people. I will empower them, guide them, help them the best I can. But I don't endorse selfishness. I have nothing to with it. That is not my cup of tea."

I remembered all the times when Mohanji empowered me by removing layers and layers of fears, anxieties, insecurities, doubts, confusions, anger, possessiveness, jealousy. This improved my life and clarified my desire to give the best I can to the world, by volunteering for good causes such as Early Birds Club and Mohanji Foundation, for example. I know what I am about to share is not the topic of this blog, and I have shared this many times before, but some of people's experiences connected to the Early Birds Club leave me speechless even today. Depressions, anxieties and even domestic violence has decreased in the cases of some people, only because they were waking up between 3 and 6am. Angers have reduced and people's relationships with their families improved. There was less jealousy and more acceptance, as well as more self-love and self-acceptance.

Nothing that Mohanji does in this world is done without a purpose. Everything has a much deeper reason, and I am proud to give my time for EBC and many more projects knit together for the same cause - serving the world and all its species.

I know it has taken me long to come to this conclusion. But somebody connected to a real master, whoever it is, should never fear anything, let alone the control of anybody via the social platforms, vaccines, or anything at all in this world. Let's suppose vaccines do have negative effects on people. That means that somebody created them with that purpose, right? Do we really think that people whose intention is to harm people is more powerful than a master who can literally move mountains in the lives of people? We have seen people moving mountains in the past, changing the course of mankind for the better, so how do we forget that there are such people? All the people whose presence positively transformed the world - whom we usually condemned when they lived, and placed their picture on our walls after they died - all those people existed, exist today and will exist always. And their power is limitless. What they displayed while they lived was probably one particle of who they actually are. We usually call them God-men. No man whose intention is to harm somebody for selfish purposes can even be more powerful than that.

I would like to place a disclaimer and say that I am definitely not endorsing acceptance of any vaccine, I am simply saying that a true master always has his eyes on us. What we are meant to experience, we will experience. If it is supposed to rain, it will rain. But by having the spiritual support of a real master, we may get an umbrella, and at least come out dry out of the storm.

Apart from that, we know that even if we are forced by the governments to take the vaccine, we have homeopathy which can easily bring us back to our natural balance, where we are free from everything that harms our system, physically or energetically. So, why worry?

One friend told me earlier, "Positioned and powerful people of the world will use vaccines to harm people, control them and even kill them." I don't say this is true or not true. I actually don't know. But I suggested that nothing can happen to a person who is deeply connected to a God or a master. My friend said, "Yes, God will stop us from receiving harmful vaccines." It is true that a God and a master can prevent something from happening, but knowing my spiritual master for so long, I can't predict His ways. I just have faith in Him. I simply know that Mohanji, as the representative of the grand Datta Tradition, is much more powerful than any liquid, person, idea, situation and even poison or a weapon. I am not deciding how Mohanji will protect me, but I know He will. He will find a way like He always does, and I leave it to Him. If something is not supposed to enter my body, it will not. With Him, I am sure that I will get what I am supposed to get.

In regards to seemingly powerful people of this world, energy-wise, selflessness is powerful. Beings who operate from the lowest of greed, anger, hatred, revenge, jealousy, fear and insecurity are, in fact, very weak. All that glitters is not gold. Anybody can operate from this lowest level of awareness, it's not hard at all.

Broad display of an energy field of a man operating from negativity, and the same of a master operating from positivity.

What is Mohanji doing during the Covid-19 pandemic (broadly)

Lastly, I would like to mention about how Mohanji is behaving in this hour of Covid-19 pandemic, and what Mohanji Acharyas (people trained to add value to the world, representing Mohanji and His teachings) are doing.

I must say that I am amazed by so many benevolent projects happening globally under the wings of the Mohanji platform. Firstly, charitable trusts Ammucare and ACT Foundation, which were founded by Mohanji, in the name of His late daughter who died at the age of four in a car accident. These two organizations are providing solace to many globally - shelters for the homeless, care for the abandoned, food for the hungry, medicines for the sick etc.

On the other hand, Mohanji Acharyas and other numerous volunteers are working daily, under the name of many Mohanji-founded organizations, to empower people, guide and help them tackle this situation that caught us all unprepared. There are numerous free programs happening continuously, and their number increased a lot since the Covid started. All these people are normal human beings with their own personal lives and problems, but they still choose to give time for making others' lives better. And it is love for making the world a better place that knits all these people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds together (myself included).

Something I am really impressed by is the Online Support chat available 24/7, handled by beyond-selfles-Acharyas on Mohanji's official website, which was thoughtfully created by Mohanji when the increase of depression and suicide cases increased in the world. This chat is for all the people who don't have anybody to talk to, who would like to share and speak about their problems openly, to be able to do that without fear of being judged. It is for Acharyas to listen carefully and provide friendly support, and it is anonymous. I admire Acharyas who rotate and cover all the time zones, so that this chat can function 24/7, non-stop, for so many months already. I work with people, and I know it is not easy.

I remember, when the Online chat was just about to start, the information came from Mohanji to all the Acharyas (a total of about 100 globally) that having this chat is really important at this stage, and that, if possible, we should cover all the time zones. He said it's important to be there for people, because of high increase in depression and suicide. He said that if Acharyas are not able to do it, He would personally take some slots. He literally never compromises His love for people. Knowing His schedule and how many things He has to handle every day, nobody wanted that to happen. So, even months later, the chat functions beautifully. Hats off to Mohanji, all the teams in charge of it and all other benevolent projects, Acharyas and volunteers, who give their best totally from their heart, not expecting anything in return.

There are many more good things happening under Mohanji's guidance, through platforms like World Consciousness Alliance, Early Birds Club (Adults, Kids, Teens), Himalayan School (of Traditional Yoga, Traditional Dance, Traditional Languages), Act4Hunger, Mohanji Youth Club etc. If you don't know more and you would like to, you may visit, or research even about other people doing good for the world. My point is - we can do so much together. I am realizing, I have so many good things to do in this time, instead from fearing. Fear in any shape or form is just not worth it...



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