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Mai-Tri changes lives: Dimensions of Mohanji

Updated: May 24, 2022

Hello, dear everyone! What is Mai-Tri and how does it work? I was asked about this, so I desired to share a little from my perspective. Even though the official description can be read here, I’ll describe it from my point of view, naming a few practical examples.

Before jumping to it, Mai-Tri is a method of deep cleansing and harmonizing, on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Mai-Tri practitioners are trained to channel Mohanji’s energy to the main energy centers in our body, where most bloackges are stored. Mai-Tri can be done in person or distantly. This blog is dedicated to stories of people who had tangible transformations with Mai-Tri.

Story no. 1

A few years ago, a lady from the USA requested Mai-Tri from me. In cases of deeply rooted patterns and blockages, a sequence of consecutive sessions are usually required to achieve optimum results. I will refer to this lady as Susan.

Susan heard about Mai-Tri through a friend. She had not experienced it before, nor was she ever familiar with Mohanji. She worked in a corporation, she had a successful career, but was discontented. She suffered from severe anxiety and depression. She couldn't maintain relationships because of severely low self-esteem and compelling blockages.

She said that whenever she had a relationship, she would rely on the partner too much, losing her stability, and when they would leave, her life would be lost. This overdependency was fueled by fears, insecurities, confusion about life, low self-respect. Even a small challenge would destabilize her. Because of anxiety, she often skipped work. She owned the company, so fortunately, it didn't affect her living, but she wasn’t happy.

We started with Mai-Tri and made progress. Mohanji removed quite a lot from her. Then, she had a doubt whether Mai-Tri was good for her. I explained that Mai-Tri cannot work with doubts or partial faith, so I told her to take time and come back to me if she wanted to continue. She said she felt as if I was abandoning her by saying this. I said I was there for her whenever she needed me, but taking time and gaining clarity was necessary for continuing. After a few weeks, she called and said that she had done the estimation, compared herself from before and after Mai-Tri, and got clarity that Mai-Tri was a tool that helped her tremendously.

She stated a few examples. Earlier, she used to get anxious and angry over the smallest challenges in life, but now, she was stable. She gained good patience and release from anger.

She experienced a robbery, and she was still stable. Normally, she would cry and get terribly upset because she lost all her documents, her children’s documents, wallet, details of her company, etc. In her words, “I didn’t get angry or upset. At that moment, I only thought - what if I lost the ability to walk? What if my apartment was set on fire? I was more grateful and aware.”

Susan also experienced a small car accident during that time, which, she said, would also destabilize her normally, but this time, it didn’t. She had Mohanji’s eye card with her, and she said she feels more comfortable with it. Mohanji’s eye card is known to provide protection.

Even though she progressed a lot, there were more things that needed work. At her request, we re-started with daily Mai-Tri. By the end of this “second cycle”, Susan’s self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect increased tremendously. Her self-love was very low when we started. It was below 40%. When we finished, it was above 80%. Her friends also noticed a change in her, because before, they would have to convince her to leave the house, and now, she was the one initiating gatherings.

We concluded Mai-Tri. She was sufficiently stable. A few months later, she told me she was good, that some days are better, some worse, but that she was far better than how she used to be.

It took around a month. But this was a drastic change compared to the beginning. She no longer had the highest levels of anxiety, depression, and she got back her enthusiasm.

Story no. 2

Another lady named Isabella called me one day from the UK, after hearing of Mai-Tri through a friend. She had also never heard of Mohanji or Mai-Tri before. In only 10 days, she experienced great transformation.

She came seeking help after she was in a way betrayed by a person she trusted, but this was not the only reason. She generally had a problem with anxiety, fears, slight depression, confusion in mind, mental stagnation and discontentment with life, and after this incident, it only worsened. Overall she was a very intelligent and proactive person.

She contacted me saying she had dark thoughts and that this had never happened to her before, to feel this down. She had repetitive thoughts that she was not enough, that she was misunderstood, that she was rotating in circles without any hope. The same situation of betrayal had happened in her life before, only with a different person. Now, she was feeling the same again. She felt 100% of heaviness on her chest, like a hard stone, and 100% of a choking feeling in throat. After only one session her throat had 60% heaviness in total, and for the chest, she said she felt the same. I felt it needed more work to catch momentum. I suggested to focus the Mai-Tri on the heart/chest area for 10 days continuously.

After only two days, heart heaviness decreased to 40%. She said she had felt as if her chest was like hardened soil. After three days, she felt as if the “soil” was slightly “watered”, as if something was penetrating and making it lighter. It needed more work, but she already started experiencing evident transformations. Her sleep used to be very disturbed. Before we started, she started drinking in order to fall asleep more easily. Now sleep had started coming naturally to her around midnight, without any alcohol, which wouldn't happen before. She used to wake up about 10 times a night and had nightmares. At waking up, it used to be extremely difficult for her to get up even at 10am. She felt glued to bed. After these three days, nightmares stopped completely and sleep started being continuous, and she started waking up more early with ease. She even started doing her new morning practices for stability, which was different from what she was normally used to. She said that there was no way this could be the case before, to wake up so easily and even do some practice. She also said her mental exhaustion decreased.

She said that she was broken in pieces and Mai-Tri gathered her in one. She experienced better clarity, motivation and enjoyment. She started reacting differently to situations, observing more, reacting less. She was more stable and started being more objective, not taking negativities inside her.

On the 7th day of consecutive Mai-Tri, the heaviness in her heart was below 20%. She said that this was a miracle and that the effects of the practice were like magic. She was able to detach from negative thoughts and that chest was lighter and lighter. On one of the last days, she said she felt as light as a feather, as if clouds were removed from her eyes. She had more conviction and clarity.


From my Mai-Tri experience in the past five years, I have seen a lot of people and transformations. Here are a few points that I’ve taken as important.

  1. Nobody goes away from Mohanji empty-handed, but sometimes this is not visible by people. With Mai-Tri, He stabilizes people always at a higher level than it was before. Whether the size of transformation will be higher or lower, it depends on the receptivity of the person. He always delivers without expectation.

  2. The baggage Mohanji removes from people in Mai-Tri is not possible to be handled by a regular human being. If somebody tried doing what Mohanji is doing every day, it would knock them dead. But we anyway don’t even know how Mohanji does it. How I see it in Mai-Tri, what He does is like astral surgery. He takes cords, cuts them, re-connects them, cleanses cells, plucks out objects, etc etc. Sometimes He absorbs illnesses to His belly, legs, chest. Sometimes that reflects on His body as temporary pain, but Mohanji doesn't suffer like we do. So, nothing that He does is accidental, and none of the "pains" are actually His. His body belongs to the world and He never suffers. He is not bound by karma and that's why He can easily handle it from other people. A karmic being who is bound by karma cannot move, except within the karmic boundaries. Multidimensional masters do multidimensional things which are not bound by time and events. But every karmic being has the potential to become multidimensional. Mohanji works in multidimensional terms. What people would struggle with for three years, He takes it on His body and burns it in three days. One time, He removed an illness from a woman who was supposed to be bedridden for three months, but He burnt it in His body in three days. We often cannot understand this using our regular limited mind, unless experienced.

  3. Mai-Tri gives a definite transformation provided there is consistency. It has to take time for certain patterns to dissolve. In Empowered 4.0, Mohanji explained it well saying that certain things need external assistance, even though the path of spirituality is all about ourselves. This doesn’t mean we are handicapped or less if we need something from the outside. This simply means something is too deep, you’ve been nurturing it for lifetimes, you cannot handle it on your own. You may try, it will pull you, you may try again, it will pull you, probably even harder. We cannot underestimate patterns which rule lives. In Mohanji’s words, “It’s not easy to leave patterns. It’s important, but not easy.”

  4. Ingratitude is in our blood. No matter the transformation, people often find some way to forget it after a while, or rationalize the transformation by giving credit to something else. In Jesus’ time people were ashamed to say Jesus healed them, because it was embarrassing to admit they had leprosy. They never owned their experience which is a tragedy. We live in a world of heavy ingratitude. There are exceptions, of course.

  5. Mohanji is not bound by space. He works through His people even though kilometers away.

  6. He never cares whether people appreciate Him or His work, be it through Mai-Tri or anything else. One time a long time ago, one person said that the "Power of Purity" meditation wasn't Mohanji's, that it was his, and that Mohanji stole it from him. This was funny, because there were witnesses to confirm the day when Mohanji created it. These are all small things that insecure minds get glued to. Who cares? What Mohanji is doing in the world today, how many lives He's touching, is much more important. My point is, nothing ever affected Mohanji. He never cares whether people appreciate Him or not. He keeps doing His job.

  7. He always does His job with precision. What He removes in Mai-Tri never comes back, unless people bring it back with negative lifestyles of gossiping, judging, criticizing, anger, hatred, emotions, compelling habits and patterns. All these pull us down and we become like a garbage can. In my life, Mohanji predicted many things that later came true. He told me that my Mai-Tri will become very effective one day, I didn't believe it so much, and it came true. One time He said I'd have more people coming for Mai-Tri, it also came true. Another time He told me a day would come when I would be very much loved and respected by people. At that time, I didn't have sufficient love and respect for myself, so I didn't feel it could happen. When that day arrived, He just told me, "See? I told you this would happen. You didn't believe me!" Things with Mohanji seem like science fiction, until He makes them a reality. His work is so precise if determination is our choice.

So, with Mohanji, things take time, but they happen. For me, living with Mohanji was like living with a tornado. You won't know what's happening, until something is plucked out completely, then you look back and think - "Oh, this is what He was working on." Fears might have changed, stability increased. In any case, He doesn't waste a second to change something in us for the better. And if we have consistency, if we don't keep changing the path like an unstable monkey jumping from one branch to the other, we will get to see the best of what a master can give.


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