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Mohanji - The Universe. A true experience

Updated: May 20, 2023

I know many people won't believe my words in this blog, but I will proceed sharing it because I feel it can inspire one or two, and that's sufficient for me.

For a long time, for years, I had a wish to know the answer to the question, "Who is Mohanji?", beyond the physical body. I asked Him to reveal Himself to me, to show me what is His real form, real state.

I always believed Mohanji's body is a joke, that He is playing with this physical body, that He's not just that. By bringing a body, I have always believed He's joking with us, because this body seems very ordinary, and He is not that. In Rishikesh 2017, it was one of the many times when I had asked to know His real form. I learnt that He has always been trying to show me, but my emotions always come as huge waves, and He couldn't do anything. If our cup is full, nobody can pour water.

I had experienced that He isn't this body before, because I have seen Him being at many places at once, but I have not experienced it in as many details as I experienced this time.

The day before yesterday, I visited Him during His private visit to Novi Sad. I always try to go to Him expectation-free. When I was sitting near Him on the floor, I asked Him, "Who are you Mohanji?" He didn't reply. He was finishing His work on His phone. At one moment, He told me to touch His feet and see what I see in His body. I have seen before that His body parts are not ordinary. I know this through the eyes of Mai-Tri.

1. Universe in Him

I touched His feet and the first thing I saw was that something was spinning. I looked closer and saw they were planets. I sharpened the focus more, and I saw the big Universe contained in His physical body, with all the galaxies and planets. My body was in Novi Sad, but my subtle body suddenly teleported there.

I saw Sun and other planets there. Everything was inside Him. The Earth was so small, like a dot inside His body. Sun was also very small. All the planets and galaxies were available to me, like buttons that I can click and teleport there. I had many options. Within this zone, I could go anywhere. It was all in His body – planets of various shapes and colors.

If you read my blogs series "Montenegro and me" you will know I have a special feeling for the Sun. I realized I can rapidly move around the Universe, I had no physical body. It was as if Mohanji organized a feast for me, one that I've been waiting for for years.

I found the Sun and deeply wanted to know the inside of it. I understood it is a rare chance to be able to travel like this. In normal terms of a karmic being, this is impossible. I set the intention to go to the Sun and I immediately found myself there. I was inside, everything around me was bright, but it didn't burn my body. I didn't feel any heat because I had no physical body. The subtle body couldn't be burnt while my physical body was in Novi Sad.

2. The Sun: The Inside

Inside the Sun, I saw people in human form sitting in a circle, and their bodies were bright. Everything was so bright. They also had no physical bodies – nobody did. There were about 30 of them and I understood they all live there. Some of them were smiling, some were blessing, and some had their faces normal, focused, with eyes closed. In the center of that circle, there were beings in non-human form, dancing. They were smaller than humans and their arms were moving in rhythm. They looked peaceful and happy. They were like some small animals or some helpers. While they were dancing – I didn't see – but I felt movement on Earth in the same rhythm of their bodies, and assumed their dance was not just dance. It was work.

I began to understand the variety of the Universe. Mohanji gave me this expeirence to understand that small emotions like possessiveness, anger, guilt are not worth it. They are so small compared to our real potential. And we get stuck there.

It was like a puzzle for which I kept collecting hundreds of pieces, scattered around the Universe. How does this space look like, what is this planet, who are its beings, how do they look like, how big is the Universe, which all galaxies exist, etc. Piece by piece kept falling into my lap without much effort. To say Mohanji is something, it's useless, if not experienced. I was given this to experience it alone. I kept digging.

I already started being familiar with the inside of the Sun, but I didn't see any entrance. I wondered whether new beings also come through some entrance, or it's the same beings always. I saw that people live there. Some new people come too, provided their frequency is matching the Sun. The frequency is like a ticket there.

Around the circle, I saw small fire circles, flying in the air. Some beings were playing on them, jumping from one to the other. I felt they were also working, not exactly playing.

3. The Sun: Body and mind pulls

The vision of the Sun started fading away. I felt Mohanji's pull, almost telling me, "Don't go too far." I set the intention to stay in the Sun some more. I knew my time was limited. Mohanji never gives such experiences for long. He shuts the show before you know it. I needed to be quick.

I tried to enter the Sun again. I managed for a short while, but then I felt so much of attachment to my physical body. It kept pulling me back. I tried, and again, I was pulled back. I felt like a feather pulled back by steel. Like a bird in a cage.

The Sun felt beautiful. I wanted to stay there, but I was being dragged back to my body. I asked Mohanji to cut the connection to my physical body. He tapped my back with His palm once. As He tapped, I felt a jump out of the body, very intense one. I didn't feel any pain but when I started moving as energy form, my physical body slightly moved left and right as if I was plugged onto electricity.

I was there again. It worked. But then I felt pulled by the mind. I felt many thoughts in the mind, and my presence there was disturbed. It was like losing connection in television picture. Back and forth, I was struggling to stay in the Sun without body and mind binding.

The more I was with my mind and body, the less I was in the Sun. The less I was with the mind and body, the more I was in the Sun. I tried decreasing presence in mind and body.

Thoughts felt like heavy stones. I never experienced they are so heavy. Even one thought was so disturbing in that state.

I had another request for Mohanji, but I wasn't sure whether to articulate. I decided to be natural. I decided I won't lose this opportunity. I asked Him to cut off the mind. He tapped my head, and I felt a jump to the Universe again, near the Sun. I went inside again, effortlessly. I was fully present now. No body. No mind. I saw more of the inside.

4. The Sun: More Segments

Initially, I thought what I was shown is the whole inside of the Sun, this circle and those people and beings. Then I looked and saw it's just a small portion. There is huge space next to it, aroud it, above and below it, and there are many more "segments". They looked like separate rooms, divided by transparent walls. Even though "walls" were transparent, you need permission to enter different zones. I tried entering some of which I saw ahead of me. I moved, but Mohanji was holding me, as if I had a tail and He held me not to go further. I tried more, but couldn't access. Initially I didn't realize it was He who was holding me. I wondered why I could not access. Then I realized, in some zones, if you go, you can't return back to the body. If I went, I would have landed in different places, and it could ruin this life completely.

Each segment of the Sun, each "room", was a different zone, a different frequency. We all have a particular frequency to operate in this Earth. If Mohanji allowed me to change it for long enough and enter some rooms, I would not have been able to enter this frequency again. I had to maintain my frequency, have a glimpse and come back. If He shifted my frequency so suddenly, I would be stuck.

5. Pulled back from the Sun

The vision became black and I found myself outside of the Sun. I realized I wasn't inside anymore. I wondered if this was my mind working again, if it was my fault. I understood He pulled me back because I could not stay there for long. I went back to the center of the Universe. I was free to go anywhere again.

6. Another galaxy Sun

The desire to spend more time in the Sun didn't get replaced with something else, so I internally repeated it, "I want to visit the Sun again." I didn't specify in which galaxy, and I found myself in a purple-redish planet, dim color. I was wondering which planet was this. I realized it's not a planet, nor the Sun from our galaxy, it's the Sun of another galaxy. It was much larger than our Sun and it looked very different, even from the inside. Inside, I didn't see any people. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't have the permission, or because nobody lives there. I assume it's the first one. :D

7. Other galaxy planets: purple and grey

I was back in the center of the Universe with all galaxies in front of me again. I had a variety of options again. I entered a galaxy which had a purple planet. I came closer and it felt very pleasant. I went to check if there are some beings there.

I saw them. They were in the form of humans, very tall, maybe 10 times of human size. One was sitting on the ground, and his body was of a purple shade. He had some symbol on his forehead, also purple, made out of a diamond or a crystal. It was transparent. He had some tightly enveloped cloth on his head and a pleasant fragrance. Pleasant, but not too familiar to me. He was focused on something that He was doing with His hands, on the ground. It looked like wood engraving, from my earthly perspective. One of his legs was bent, knee was near his face, and the other leg was bent, but resting on the side.

I was feeling happy to see him. It felt like there are many more beings in the Universe whose frequency can be similar to ours. Even though there are planets of lower frequency too, I realized Mohanji took me only to positive planets.

When I finished checking the purple planet, I felt like discovering more. I was looking where next to go. I knew my time is limited. I quikcly moved to some other planet. It was right next to the purple one. It was grey and beings who live there had no shape, no eyes, nothing. They looked like bubble-gums, changing shape while walking.

8. Back to Earth, moving with the whale

I wanted to dive deeper into this Sun, but I felt another pull from Mohanji not to go too far. I then came back to our galaxy and back to Earth. It took only a second to move away from that galaxy, locate ours and reach the Earth. I found myself flying above Earth. Gravitation had no value. I could literally go anywhere, visit anything. But one and only craving is always clear, to merge with Mohanji's consciousness.

In some moments, I was afraid He would cut this experience before I get a chance to enjoy all of it. I flet like a kid in a candy shop. But He didn't stop it. He always fulfilled all my desires of life.

I entered the ocean to find a body through which I can experience expansion. Since a few years, for me, the ocean feels very close to what Mohanji's consciousness feels like. It's unpredictable, so deep, to stay in it you have to be fearless, to dive deeper you need to be fearless, and it nourishes without expectation. I felt excitement. I was looking for a suitable body in the water to exprience the ocean. I was looking for a body of a whale. I couldn't find any. I looked, and a shark appeared in front of me. I entered the body of the shark and started experiencing the life in ocean.

I felt strong and confident. I kept swimming. I was so fast and body was fit. The shark caught a pray and started eating some animal. I felt uneasy to participate in that. I left the shark's body to look for a whale. I was looking, and in a distance, I saw one. I entered and started swimming. I was swimming and swimming, and it felt so huge to be in such a huge body. The water was moving as I was moving. Such a huge amount of water was moving because I was so huge.

I continued swimming. After a while, I wanted to jump out of the water and come back. I felt most of it, but not fully. Mind was creeping in. I continued swimming. I dived to the depth of ocean. It was becoming colder. Darker and darker. I changed the course, returned back to the surface and jumped again to see the Sun. This time, the experience was much clearer.

The jump – I felt it totally, big body, large strength. Seeing the Sun – I felt it in my eyes and face. I felt as if I was saluting the Sun. Going back in – I felt it fully too. The heat of the Sun and entering the cold water again, feeling its freshness all around me. Feeling my huge size. I felt it all.

Two attempts to jump out. One was not fully successful, and the other was successful. In between, diving deep in the ocean occurred. Diving deeper must have changed something.

I felt that the way I entered the whale is the same way how other beings enter our body. Some beings who do not have a body enter the body of humans, and we call them entities or spirits. The body of the whale already had a soul, but I moved with it and experienced the body.

I continued swimming. As I was swimming, I saw a large barrier in front of me, something like some wide wooden object, a part of a ship perhaps. I realized I couldn't move anymore. I tried breaking it with my head, and I couldn't. I kept trying. Then I realized and felt – but I am not Mina here. I am big and strong now. I can break anything. I am bigger than the biggest ship. With this awareness, I hit it with my head again, and it broke into pieces. I continued swimming.

How was I not able to break it? Mind dragged me back again to identifications. Believing deeply that I am this body, I am this form, I am this name. This is why we usually fail, because we don't believe we are multidimensional. We think we are only this dimension, but we are many. Experiencing the big whale moved my limits and dissolved a portion of my identifications.

The Ending

Mohanji asked me if I'm done. I couldn't forget that feeling of expansion. I felt another pull from Mohanji to come back, so I set the intention to go back to my body. He tapped my back and I was back in the room of Novi Sad.

I finally saw, experienced, witnessed and understood who Mohanji is. He is the whole Universe and all its galaxies. It's all inside His body. His body is a big joke, and this life is a big joke for Him. When I saw the whole Universe sits in Him, I wanted to check how much of this energy is used by Mai-Tri practitioners. I saw it's such a small portion, and Mai-Tri still gives huge results. Can you imagine what is the rest of it? If one cup of Atlantic ocean had the power to heal 5000 people, wouldn't you wonder what the huge rest of it can do? This is the point. When you are the source, you have no shortage of energy. There is no amount you can possibly give that can be a loss for you.

One of my big wishes was fulfilled. Mohanji never forgot what I asked in Rishikesh. He played a fool like He always does, but giving me this experience five years later proves His stature.

I was 100% sure He's not what it seems to be, the physical body. People could have explained to me, but experience is experience. I have touched Mohanji's feet many times before, and I didn't see anything. I only saw the body. To experience this, it also needs His decision to show us.

In the end, I thought – then are all these emotions worth it? No. Ownership, emotion, possessiveness, me and mine, my house, my car, my dog, it's not worth it. I was settling in the realization that there is a huge possibility ahead of us. Maybe I cannot go back to this state again by myself, but I can have rememberance, and that helps.

In the beginning when I first went, I didn't want to stop. No country could have given me this experience. No regular person also. The feeling of not wanting it to stop happens when we are expanded. For it not to stop, we have to shift the frequency. When we shift the frequency one time, it's already shifted. "You can't sit in first class all the time and think you will be in 10th class. You've got to raise to that level of 10th class. Once you reach 10th class, do you have the inclination to go to 1st class? Once you reach a certain frequency, you don't want to come back.", says Mohanji.

I asked Mohanji why does He look so ordinary. But I already knew the answer. Real masters never show themselves so easily, it's us who have to discover. Even if they perform a miracle, we need to discover where it's coming from. Which level of consciousness. If we want them, their state, we really need to have determination.

Also, imagine Mohanji's original frequency is silence. If He sits in silence, how would the show go? How would it work? Is it possible? People cannot connect if there is no response from the master, that's why they take bodies in the first place. So, yes, Mohanji is playing a fool in an ordinary man's body. That's because He has to work with frequencies here, of different nature.

Possessiveness challenge

In order to understand this story even better, I will give you a small flashback to earlier days. For a long time, I struggled with possessiveness towards Mohanji and a few other people. It was an old pattern and my biggest challenge in this life. Over the years Mohanji told me multiple times that this has to be deleted completely, otherwise I will have no progress in life. I needed to settle the understanding that I cannot own anybody, to every cell of my system. A few months ago, Mohanji even told me that when I lose possessiveness, I will become powerful. Over the years it kept reducing, but now was the moment to finish it for good.

The experience from the day before yesterday could take place after I put serious effort into removing possessiveness. In the Empowered series, Mohanji said, "You have to make steps, I'm ready to give the whole Universe to people, but rarely does somebody make serious steps." I took it very seriously and I've done things that were very hard for me for the past few months, only because I knew it would remove possessiveness. Maybe it was not visible on the face, but my only desire was to get rid of it, because I knew my connection to Mohanji is affected if such emotions stand between us. Through the experience of the Universe, He showed me who He is and what life without emotions looks like. How huge it is. How big our options are. Even the Sun was a small dot in His body. Let alone Earth. Just because we are used to some stinky old patterns, emotions, and we are afraid to step out of them, we stay there and we are stuck. In the meantime, we become stinky too.

Conclusion points

1. Mohanji is the Universe waiting for you to explore. But a seeker needs consistency in connection with conviction, to enter. Mohanji is easily available, but what are people coming for? Usually entertaining patterns and emotions. If you come for Mohanji and display tremendous patience, this is what you can get. I waited for years and finally got it. Whether I articulated it verbally or not, my heart yearned. A real master always hears our desires, but we have to be consistent.

2. It was impossible for a unit to travel the entire Universe which has millions of frequencies. All frequencies are not suitable for us. And we cannot access what we want, we can only access what matches our frequency. For example, I probably only witnessed those frequencies which are suitable for me.

3. My relationship with Mohanji changed with this. I started witnessing Him, the Universe, instead of the unit – walking, talking and playing the drama.

4. It was unbelievably effortless to move as Mohanji consciousness. Be it a body of a whale, moneky, donkey, bird. This is what expansion in consciousness means. In no time, I could be anywhere. I could enter a whale's body and feel it, I could have entered a giraffe's body. I could go to any place, any galaxy, so effortlessly.

5. With only one tap, He removed body and mind limits. So, it is all possible, everything is possible. Then why isn't He cutting the mind? Because of karma. Karma needs mind to perform. Karma needs mind. The cause of birth is karma. But for Mohanji to do it, how fast it was.

6. Some people will never see, and that's okay. But if Mohanji is the only point of our connection, if all you need is Mohanji, this is what you become. We get the whole Universe at our plate. And the army of great masters stand by us, protect us, and provide us with everything we need to move.

I hope this inspired you to think beyond our regular mind-limited operating frequency. Let us together rise to larger possibilities. The gross will always pull us back because it’s gravitational, but the subtle is levitational. Gravitational is easy, levitational is harder. The gross will always be more interesting to minds, but the subtle is more important.

Thank you for reading

Lots of love!



Alua Kinzhebayeva
Alua Kinzhebayeva
Dec 03, 2024

Thank you for sharing this divine experience!

Lots of love,



Babu Sadanand
Babu Sadanand
Nov 30, 2023

I am wonder stuck reading your experience. Thank you for sharing. Mohanji is beyond our imagination and we are so lucky to have met him and experienced. My his Grace fall on all. Jai Sri Mohanji 🙏🥰


Jul 26, 2022

Beyond amazing 😶💙

Mina O.
Mina O.
Sep 13, 2022
Replying to

Thank you❤️❤️❤️🤗


Sangeeth Jayanthan
Sangeeth Jayanthan
Jul 23, 2022

Incredible Mina🙏🏼. Thank you for writing this for us to access..

Mina O.
Mina O.
Sep 13, 2022
Replying to

Thank you for reading🙏🏻


Jul 22, 2022

Thank you very much ❤️🙏

Mina O.
Mina O.
Sep 13, 2022
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Thank you❤️❤️

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