The day before yesterday, on 18th March 2019, I have had a profoundly touching experience through which I believe I received a message from the Masters of Tradition of Liberation. I feel the message might be valuable for all of you, sincere seekers of truth, during these turbulent times.
The message is as follows:
"It is Our duty to take care of all of you, so listen carefully what We have to say.
Do not think that anybody is travelling alone in this journey. We are all travelling together. Imagine that there is a bus, you are all sitting in it, and Mohanji is driving it. All you need to do in order to reach the destination is to remain seated. Tradition's job is to take you further. Eventually, we will all together reach the same destination.
Our Tradition has made it very simple - if you leave the bus, you will have to wait for another one to come, or even run after the one you missed. Catching another bus may take a long time and much efforts. Missing the bus is not what we would recommend for you, so please be aware.
We hear that all of you are clear on how much time and effort you took to be with Mohanji in this life. There is no doubt that you had to go through many unpleasant situations to become eligible for this today. We know that this awareness lies in your souls, yet not always in your minds, hence do not let your minds tell you the opposite or make you take these positions for granted.
We are currently in Kali yuga, the time of demon Kali. The demon Kali rules this era. Kali's job is to create confusions and illusions in people's minds. Brahma is the creator of the Universe. Brahma, the creator, told Kali, the demon, "During this era, you should not touch the life of anybody who's deeply conneted to Master or God." In wonder, Kali responded, "Whom can I disturb then? My job is to disturb people's minds. My job is to confuse and make illusions. If I cannot touch anybody, then what is my role?" Brahma said, "Your time will be so fast and that itself will create confusion in minds of people."
The time of Kali (which is taking place right now) is fast and confusing, hence chances for disturbance of minds are higher. Disturbances will happen. Kali will try its best. The only thing that any seeker of truth or any person with awareness can do is to cling on, be in the bus, stay seated. Even when the road is rough, turbulent, even if the bus is rolling and tossing, stay in the seat. Hold on and stay. This is enough. Clinging on is advantage of this time. Cling on and you will reach your destination. Be seated and you will reach your destination. This time is not about meditating or chanting (all those things are okay if you want to do), but most important is to stay put. Stay there. Stay steady. This is what is more important.
During other eras, for example, Lord Krishna's era, Lord Ram's era etc. the times were much more stable, and it was easier for people to meditate, connect to God and dissolve. Today, attaining the same is much more difficult.
Do not ever forget that the bus is always moving. Even if the roads will be turbulent, rough, time is turbulent, still, the bus is moving. It does not stop. It never stops. Do not ever doubt that. So, bus will take you. Firm patience is needed. Don't criticise, don't judge, don't talk bad or gossip. All these things are going to contaminate minds. Illusions may make you think, "Oh, it is important that I must say this, or I must talk bad about somebody", but do not fall for that. Talking anything about anybody is not good, let alone talking negative. This very action contaminates us more than the person that we talk about. Remember, when you contaminate other minds, you have to take that responsibility. If somebody's mind is disturbed because of something that you said, it is your karma to handle. You have to pay the price. And the price is often getting out of the bus. If you fight with somebody in the bus, you may have to get out of the bus. That means, you are losing lifetimes. By the time you catch another bus it may be many lifetimes later.
We are conveying this message to you today so that you have clear awareness that we have to make sure that everybody stays in the bus. Please take this very seriously. Take a good care of each other. Remember, staying in the bus is the only sadhana that you require at this point.
We love you always and We are travelling with you. We take care of you.
Stay blessed always."