Mar 16, 20203 min read2 things Coronavirus is teaching us aboutToday we are faced with an emergency situation that has hit almost the whole world. The world is dominated by fear and panic, but I believe
Mar 16, 20203 min read2 stvari kojim nas uči Korona virusDanas smo suočeni sa vanrednom situacijom koja je zadesila skoro ceo svet. Svetom vlada strah i panika, ali verujem da se sve, pa i Korona v
Apr 23, 20195 min readMOHANJI COMMUNICATES THROUGH A SONGIt was May 2017 (the Bosnian pyramids pilgrimage) when I met Mohanji for the first time. During the pilgrimage, I had an opportunity to...
Apr 4, 20192 min readINCARNATION OF COMPASSIONI would like to write to you the following. These are my humble attempts to express my understandings and my conviction. A letter...
Mar 20, 20193 min readREMAIN SEATEDThe day before yesterday, on 18th March 2019, I have had a profoundly touching experience through which I believe I received a message...